Technology-enabled autistic workers utilizing support services unlike anything on the market today to generate productivity and profitability while maintaining personal well-being.

A social and technological innovation solution for records management using untapped talent.

The boxes will be grouped and ready to transport after this process.


Transportation – secured box Transportation to TN facility.

●      TN staff will ensure secure transport from Children's Services to TN location and will not stop at any location other than traffic lights;

o   A tracking sheet with box identification;

o   The TN and Children's Services representatives who signed off on each shipment;

o   Upon receiving and verifying the shipment, TN staff will then use TNDS software to track documents at the box and file level.

●      TN staff will ensure secure transport from Children's Services to TN location and will not stop at any location other than traffic lights;

●      There will always more than two staff to accompany the shipment from end to end;

●      TN guarantees secure transfer from Children's Services to secure TN file storage without any untrusted third party involved;

●      Staff will verify inventory at pick up location and TN receiving location to ensure nothing is missing from the shipment, and;

●      Report to Children's Services if there are any errors or incidents.

On a pre-arranged basis, TN will use its secured carrier or staff managed transportation method to transfer boxes from the client location to the TN office in downtown Edmonton.  With each transport, TN will:

TNDS can provide reports on box and file level inventory per stage (received, prep, scan, QA, repacking and delivery) and is an integral tool in the process.


During the preparation stage:

●    Metadata will be collected or confirmed from received files;

●    TNDS will create file cover pages (patch sheets) with a QR code for file tracking;

●      Staples or other fasteners will be removed;

●      Memorabilia will be identified, held separate and returned to Children’s Services.

●      Original folders, covers, or binders will either be disposed of or kept in the original box depending on contract details;

Each page will be inspected to ensure readiness for the next step;

●    Sticky notes and other obstructing items will be relocated to the closest empty space and secured with scotch tape as needed;

●    Damaged and torn pages will be repaired if required;

●    A standard A4-sized divider page will be inserted into the file to replace any tabbed divider pages forming document sections; Typically, if the file size exceeds 100 pages, it will be split into 2 or more parts, no greater than 100 pages each;

●    Files will be prepared in order of placement from the front to the back of the box and will be batched and secured in the same order by rubber band, and;

●    Files belonging to the same box will carefully travel together to the next stage, digital scanning, using utility carts to prevent document mixing from transport accidents.

If a file has been identified as “Interim Rush Service”, the file will be transferred to a special box labeled, “Rushed Service Box #YYYY-MM-DD” for immediate processing, which includes preparation, scanning, QA, and Alfresco web service delivery.

Scanning & Digitization

●   The file is placed into the scanner and the QR code is scanned to start the scan timer;

●   The QR code is used by the physical scanner to name the digital file in this stage;

●    Staples or other fasteners will be removed;

●    Documents are scanned into TNDS at a minimum of 300 dpi on regularly maintained hardware; color documents are scanned in color at 24 bits per pixel with lossless compression or in bi-tonal format;

●    Documents will be duplex scanned in order from front to back as presented without deviation and page counts are captured during the scan process;

●    Image quality is checked during the verification process when repairs are made to poor quality scans;

●    Documents will be sized in sections approximately 100 pages in length, and all files will receive Optical Character Recognition (OCR) or Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) for hand-written documentation;

●    Pages where the quality of the document will, or, in fact does result in a poor-quality image post-scanning will receive a “Poor Quality Original” stamp prior to scanning originals as needed, and;

●    TNDS and TNDS software tracks every document at each and every step during the process, and a daily report will provide progress reporting on a per-staff level performance KPI.

During the scanning and digitization process, the cover page QR code is used to start the process and change the status of the document in the TNDS and the TNDS system to “In Progress”, which will then receive the following treatment.

Scanning hardware is cleaned and calibrated once every two days to reduce blank page appearance and page artifacts.  Additionally, the Job Coach and a supervisor will monitor the entire process to ensure staff well-being, process completeness, and quality control.


After scanning the paper document into PDF format, the digital file created is verified against the paper original.  The verification process sees the worker examining each digital file produced during the scanning process.

●   The QR code attached to each section is scanned to start the process, which tracks the worker and the time of scan (occurring at every stage the QR Code is read).  

●   When read by a QR reader during the verification process, a PDF editor is presented to the worker.  

●   With this editor, the worker removes blank pages, rotates turned pages, adds in missing pages, and/ or replaces damaged, obstructed, or skewed pages, and annotates any page which in the original is obstructed or of poor quality (Stamp of Poor Quality).

●   Images with black borders, hole-punch images, and background color drop out will be removed if possible.

●   When these steps have been completed and the worker is certain all digital pages match the physical ones, the file is signed off as verified with a mouse click and passed to the next worker to be repacked.

●   With this RFP, we guarantee nearest-to-100% accuracy rate in the digitization world.  During the QA process, we will perform page-to-page verification between the physical document and the PDF to ensure no missing pages and complete end-to-end accuracy between the physical document and the PDF document.  

●   Missing pages and miss-scanned pages will be repaired or rescanned during the process.  Additionally, the supervisor or job coach will perform a 10% sampling QC.  If the surveyed files do not meet quality standards, the entire box will be re-verified.


To ensure the lowest cost per box with this proposal, TN will be using the most cost-effective method for repacking.  

●   Upon completing the scanning and QA processes, staff will use the box identification, file inventory list, and TNDS repacking capability to scan the QR code and place the file in the original box in top-down order.  

●   This process will ensure completeness of the box with no misplaced or missing.  Additionally, each file will be able to be verified at Children's Services premises post-digitization extremely easily to determine the quality of TNDS work.

●   Each file will return to its original box in an ordered batch of files secured by rubber band.  All original folders will be returned within the original box.  There is an option to reassemble the file to its original condition by placing the same into the two-hole punch, given the scanning and digitization process will likely lead to shredding of said files in the future, there is likely little need for the extra cost to reassemble the file. 

Electronic file e-delivery

After scanning the paper document into PDF format, the digital file created is verified against the paper original.  The verification process sees the worker examining each digital file produced during the scanning process.

●   Once the document completes the QA process, our automated TNDS software will use a predefined procedure to upload the OCR’d and indexed PDF documents to Children's Services via secure web API.

●   TNDS uses a similar process to deliver digitized documents to all our clients via SFTP, secure Web API, or secured SharePoint platform based on our clients document management protocol and approved methodology.

●   On an agreed routine basis, TN will confirm with Children's Services representatives to ensure the e-delivery and completeness of the project.

Boxes returned to customer

Upon completion of the e-delivery to customer’s secured site and confirmation from customer representative, the boxes deemed as completed will be returned to the client via the same secure checkout, transportation protocols, and chain of custody protocols as discussed earlier in this proposal.